

Recently undertaken was the Glenda Drive Asphalt plant for the Queenstown Airport Runway Extension.

Currently providing electrical services for The new Two Lane Bridge at Kawarau Falls. 

 We recently contracted Frankton Electrical to do a mid sized job for us, being a childcare centre.  It was a brand new build and they were with us more

Mike Stewart


Ziz Zag Zoo Early Learning Centre

16215D5A 15E4 457C 8F45 CDF2F2FAFCE4
3CEA706C 4886 46DD B8DC 4D77B6BC8AB2 3DD41BDA 8DEC 4923 A1D0 1279AE537A3A 64F51F94 9926 4924 83EC 6BD077129573 78B9F945 94CA 4F17 94C1 C8726C69483D 9266F4FA 7B4A 468A 9D56 A1A0275C1270 C39DE872 4858 48A7 9548 74CEDC26CA5D E7CE00CE 3799 4AC3 9BF3 DA1EA7C53E37